I'm trying to use a reactive object inside the c3
package graphics in a shinyApp.
However, the graph is not produced by the server.
See the code I used:
ui <- fluidPage(
width = 12,
inputId = "dbtn1",
label = "Click me!"
inputId = "id1",
label = "Choose 1",
value = 5,
min = 1,
max = 10,
step = 1
inputId = "id2",
label = "Choose 2",
value = 5,
min = 1,
max = 10,
step = 1
c3::c3Output(outputId = "dsgraph")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
reac1 <- reactive({
fx <- function(x, y) {
x + y
x = input$id1,
y = input$id2
output$dsgraph <- c3::renderC3({
isolate(expr = q1 <- reac1())
isolate(expr = q2 <- reac1())
data.frame(Before = q1, After = q2) %>%
c3::c3() %>%
c3::c3_donut(title = "Show donut")
shinyApp(ui, server)
If however, I put absolute values, something like:
output$dsgraph <- c3::renderC3({
data.frame(Before = 20, After = 80) %>%
c3::c3() %>%
c3::c3_donut(title = "Show donut")
Works fine.
It also seems to me that the actionButton
, after being pressed for the first time, loses its click effect...
I added the following code to the server to try to get the actionButton working, but it didn't work:
observeEvent(input$dbtn1, {
I also tried something like:
vals <- reactiveValues(clicks = 0)
observeEvent(input$dbtn1, {
vals$clicks <- vals$clicks + 1
That is strange: the reason is that q1
and q2
are integers. If you convert them to double, then it works:
data.frame(Before = as.double(q1), After = as.double(q2)) %>%
c3::c3() %>%
c3::c3_donut(title = "Show donut")
The button does not lose its effect. But once it is pressed then its value is >0
and the req
always allows this value.