I have two almost identical post-hooks script that behaves differently. This is the one that doesn't work, Rails 7 API-only, Debian 11:
. ~/.profile
while read oldrev newrev ref
if [[ $ref =~ .*/main$ ]];
echo "🚀 Main ref received. Deploying main branch to production..."
mkdir -p $WORK_TREE
git --work-tree=$WORK_TREE --git-dir=$GIT_DIR checkout -f main
mkdir -p $WORK_TREE/shared/pids $WORK_TREE/shared/sockets $WORK_TREE/shared/log
# start deploy tasks
bundle install
rake db:migrate
echo "🚀 Killing existing process.."
kill $(lsof -t -i:3002)
echo "🚀 Starting puma..."
bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb -e production > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "🚀 Puma is running"
#echo "Restarting sidekiq..."
#sudo systemctl restart sidekiq.service
#echo "Sidekiq is running"
# end deploy tasks
echo "✅ Git hooks deploy complete"
echo "Ref $ref successfully received. Doing nothing: only the main branch may be deployed on this server."
It doesn't work because I end up always need to run bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb -e production > /dev/null 2>&1 &
manually from the WORK_TREE
However, this is the one that works, Rails 6, Debian 11:
. ~/.profile
while read oldrev newrev ref
if [[ $ref =~ .*/main$ ]];
echo "Main ref received. Deploying main branch to production..."
mkdir -p $WORK_TREE
git --work-tree=$WORK_TREE --git-dir=$GIT_DIR checkout -f main
mkdir -p $WORK_TREE/shared/pids $WORK_TREE/shared/sockets $WORK_TREE/shared/log
# start deploy tasks
echo "--> Selecting Node version in the .nvmrc"
. $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm use
yarn install
bundle install
rake db:migrate
bin/rails webpacker:clobber
bin/rails assets:precompile
echo "Killing existing process.."
kill $(lsof -t -i:3000)
echo "Starting puma..."
bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb -e production > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "Puma is running"
echo "Generating sitemap..."
rake sitemap:refresh
echo "Sitemap done"
echo "Restarting sidekiq..."
sudo systemctl restart sidekiq.service
echo "Sidekiq is running"
# end deploy tasks
echo "Git hooks deploy complete"
echo "Ref $ref successfully received. Doing nothing: only the main branch may be deployed on this server."
It kills the running puma correctly, then restart it from the WORK_TREE
It is worth mentioning that I run nginx
to route the request to puma. This is what I get every time I push to the production branch:
I'm aware it might be an environment issue in which they run, but it should work the same. I notice one strange behavior though, whenever I ssh to the first box, it loads the ˜/.profile
directly, judging by the colorful $user in the console, but in the second box, it's not.
I solved this problem myself. My suspicion is right, the environment variables in the box are messed up. The reason being I use the box to host more than one project, so some environment variables ended up in ~/.bashrc
and some in ~/.profile
I simply move all the environment variables that are needed for the app to run to the ~/.profile
Worth mentioning that I also changed the file permission to be executable.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 deploy deploy 1107 Mar 11 19:08 hooks/post-receive