I used the runtime.win-x64.Microsoft.NETCore.ILAsm
nuget to get ilasm.exe to compile my CIL codes. It compiles everything correctly for the windows .exe PE, but apparently it doesn't compile for Linux and MacOS...
I know that using .NET 5.0 or newer with the dotnet --runtime
command is able to compile for any supported OS. How to do this using CIL instead of C#? I thought it was using ilasm.exe
, but apparently it's not possible, so what would be the solution for that?
Note: I already used the linux ilasm
and the code compiled on linux was a .exe PE, an extension and format that doesn't work on linux (linux uses ELF format)
In order to compile MSIL I use following template:
|- ProjectName.ilproj
|- Program.il
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.Net.Sdk.il/7.0.0">
.assembly extern mscorlib {}
.assembly 'App' {}
.class private auto ansi beforefieldinit abstract sealed Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object {
.method private hidebysig static void Main ( string[] args) cil managed {
ldstr "hw"
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
This setup allows me to compile programs without any problems. Commands dotnet build -r linux-x64 --self-contained -c release
and dotnet build -r win-x64 --self-contained -c release
seems to work and produce some platform-specific output