
How to clearInterval when component is unmounted

I have this simplified code below. When the user clicks on CLICK ME it will start a 5 second interval that after that will doSomethingImportant(). It works well, except on the case someone clicks on another component (Toolbar, footer) that brings you to a different component. In that case, the interval will keep executing all the time. How can I prevent that from happening? So that when AnswerScreen is unmounted, the interval is cleared? The "trick" below doesn't work.

const AnswerScreen = (props) => {

    const [timeout, setTimeout] = useState(false);
    useEffect(() => {        
      return () => { clearInterval(timeout) }
    }, []);
    const itemClickHandler = (index, value) => {
      setTimeout(setInterval(() => {
        return () => { clearInterval(timeout) }
      }, 5000));    

    return (
        <div onClick={() => itemClickHandler(3, 4)}>CLICK ME</div>
export default connect(null, null)(AnswerScreen);


  • clearTimeout( id )

    With setTimeout use clearTimeout

    With setInterval use clearInterval

    To clear the timeout when routing to another component

     return () => clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current)

    To clear previous timeout when user click the button 2 or more times

    const AnswerScreen = (props) => {
        const timeoutRef = useRef(null);
          const itemClickHandler = (index, value) => {
              if(timeoutRef.current) clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current)
              timeoutRef.current=setTimeout(setInterval(() => {
                 //do what ever you want
              }, 5000));   
        return (
            <div onClick={() => itemClickHandler(3, 4)}>CLICK ME</div>