In a Cocoa App, I'm trying to find a way to catch system events like the app switcher usually launched with Cmd-Tab or spotlight, usually launched by Cmd-Space. I'm looking for either a way to catch the key event or any another way that would tell me that one of those event is about to happen, and ideally cancel it.
Apple Screen Sharing remote desktop app does it, so it should be possible. It catches those events and send them to the connected remote computer.
Here is what I already tried :
Any other ideas ?
Found it! In my WindowViewController.m file
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
void *oldHotKeyMode;
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)notification{
oldHotKeyMode = PushSymbolicHotKeyMode(kHIHotKeyModeAllDisabled);
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification *)notification{
This is pretty magic ! and it passes the new Apple sandboxing requirement for the Mac App Store !