Is there any easy command line option to export my entire ETCD database to json file but also decode the keys and values automatically from base64?
What I succeeded to the moment is this(example show 1x key/value):
./etcdctl get "" --prefix -w json | jq -r ".[] | .[] "
"key": "YnktZGV2L21ldGEvc25hcHNob3RzL3Jvb3QtY29vcmQvcGFydGl0aW9ucy80NDAwNDc0MjQ2MTgzNjUxNzAvNDQwMDQ3NDI0NjE4MzY1MTcxX3RzNDQwMDQ5NDg5ODkxODE5NTI0",
"create_revision": 44536,
"mod_revision": 44536,
"version": 1,
"value": "CPOB0OXRmdeNBhIIX2RlZmF1bHQYhIDgxN/V140GIPKB0OXRmdeNBg=="
But I need to decode the entire database keys and values to human readable format?
P.S. Final solution after @Jeff Mercado help:
1. /etcdctl get "" --prefix -w json | jq '.[]' > etcd_filter.txt
2. Clear output to form array of objects [{},{} ...{}]
3. cat etcd_filter.txt | jq '.[] | (.key, .value) |= @base64d'
If the encoded data is a string and not binary data, you can decode it to a UTF-8 string using the @base64d
filter. This should be available in jq 1.6.
$ ./etcdctl ... | jq '.[][] | (.key, .value) |= @base64d'
"key": "by-dev/meta/snapshots/root-coord/partitions/440047424618365170/440047424618365171_ts440049489891819524",
"create_revision": 44536,
"mod_revision": 44536,
"version": 1,
"value": "\b���љ\u0006\u0012\b_default\u0018������\u0006 ���љ\u0006"
It appears the value is not a UTF-8 string in your example so beware. Unfortunately, it doesn't return a byte array so it may not be very useful for these cases.