
Make officer fpar recognize a string refer to multiple ftext objects

I have a string with the names of a bunch of different ftext objects.


itanor <- fp_text(font.size = 10, italic = T, = "Open Sans")
normal <- fp_text(font.size = 10, = "Open Sans")

h <- "Lorem ipsum _<dolor>_ sit amet, _<lorem>_ rutrum eget _<nec>_ hac placerat
proin. Eget _<facilisis>_ ut, varius."
h <- str_replace_all(h, "_(?=\\w)", "_<")
h <- str_replace_all(h, "(?<=\\w)_", ">_")
h <- str_split(h, "_")
> h
[1] "Lorem ipsum "               
[2] "<dolor>"                    
[3] " sit amet, "                
[4] "<lorem>"                    
[5] " rutrum eget "              
[6] "<nec>"                      
[7] " hac placerat\nproin. Eget "
[8] "<facilisis>"                
[9] " ut, varius."

Each one that starts with "<" is italic and the others regular text:

itit <- str_which(h[[1]], "<")
itnot <- str_which(h[[1]], "<", negate = TRUE)
g <- 1
  semsinal <- gsub("<|>","", h[[c(1,itit[g])]])
  assign(paste0("juntar",itit[g]), (ftext(semsinal, itanor)))
  g <- g +1; if(g > length(itit)) {break}}
g <- 1
  assign(paste0("juntar",itnot[g]), (ftext(h[[c(1,itnot[g])]], normal)))
  g <- g +1; if(g > length(itnot)) {break}}
gm <- length(grep("juntar",objects(), value = T))
join <- c(noquote(paste0("juntar",1:gm)))
> join
[1] juntar1 juntar2 juntar3 juntar4
[5] juntar5 juntar6 juntar7 juntar8
[9] juntar9

Then I need to make a single paragraph with "fpar" function using "join" object, because I'll never know how many "juntar" objects I'll have.

I've already tried mget, but it doesn't work.

The expected result is this:

> head(fpar(juntar1,juntar2, juntar3, juntar4, juntar5, juntar6, juntar7, juntar8, juntar9))
text: Lorem ipsum 
  size italic  bold underlined color
1   10  FALSE FALSE      FALSE black
      shading  fontname fontname_cs
1 transparent Open Sans   Open Sans
  fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi
1         Open Sans      Open Sans
1       baseline

text: dolor
  size italic  bold underlined color
1   10   TRUE FALSE      FALSE black
      shading  fontname fontname_cs
1 transparent Open Sans   Open Sans
  fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi
1         Open Sans      Open Sans
1       baseline

but I get instead:

> fpar(mget(join[1:9]))
text: Lorem ipsum 
  size italic  bold underlined color
1   10  FALSE FALSE      FALSE black
      shading  fontname fontname_cs
1 transparent Open Sans   Open Sans
  fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi
1         Open Sans      Open Sans
1       baseline

text: dolor
  size italic  bold underlined color
1   10   TRUE FALSE      FALSE black
      shading  fontname fontname_cs
1 transparent Open Sans   Open Sans
  fontname_eastasia fontname.hansi
1         Open Sans      Open Sans
1       baseline

The same thing happens when I use a loop function and "eval/parse":

fpar(c(sapply(join, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)), USE.NAMES = F)))

And when I use only eval/parse, I can only get the last object, but in the right way:

fpar(base::eval(parse(text = join)))

Could someone help me with this?


  • I finally reached a solution. Although being attacked by a inflated ego and an arrogance in its pure state, I managed to do it.

    spec_italic <- fp_text(font.size = 10, italic = T, = "Open Sans")
    normal <- fp_text(font.size = 10, = "Open Sans")
    h <- "Lorem ipsum _dolor_ sit amet, _lorem_ rutrum eget _nec_ hac placerat
    proin. Eget _facilisis_ ut, varius."
    h <- strsplit(h, "_")
    formatted_text <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(text_splitted)){
      if (i %% 2 == 0) {
        formatted_text[[i]] <- ftext(text_splitted[i], spec_italic)
      } else {
        formatted_text[[i]] <- ftext(text_splitted[i], normal)
    formatted_paragraph <-"fpar", unname(formatted_text))
    body_add_fpar(formatted_paragraph, style = "regular")

    So it gives to each even term a ftext with an italic format and put it all in a list. Then I concatenate the ftexts using the function applying an fpar function.