I'm trying to connect with no success to a postgresql database but the password containes "@" which is also a separator.
import pandas as pd
import connectorx as cx
import psycopg2
postgres_url = "postgresql://username:~2m4\9#T3(*4p**@**KL@aaa-aaaa.s111111111111.aws-emea.aaa.com:5432/bbb"
query = "select * from table1"
df = cx.read_sql(postgres_url, query)
How can I overcome this? Thank you.
I found the solution:
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
password = "~2m4\9#T3(*4p@KL" encoded_password = quote_plus(password)
postgres_url = "postgresql://username:" + encoded_password + "@aaa-aaaa.s111111111111.aws-emea.aaa.com:5432/bbb"
query = "select * from table1"
df = cx.read_sql(postgres_url, query)