
How to pass different `rapidjson::GenericObject`s to function?

I have a function where I would like to pass a rapidjson::GenericObject as a parameter, e.g.

MyObject readObject(rapidjson::GenericObject<true/false, rapidjson::Value>& obj)
    // ...

However, depending on how I extract the object, GenericObject is either const or not.

For example, it is

How can I have a function that can take both types of objects (true and false) so that I can then extract the members from it for further processing?


  • How can I have a function that can take both types of objects (true and false) so that I can then extract the members from it for further processing?

    You can rewrite the readObject as a template function, which will deduce the class template arguments. There you can get the non-template boolean, which can be used in if constexpr, (since ) so that only the true branch will be retained at compile time.

    Something like as follows:

    template<bool Flag, typename T>
    auto readObject(rapidjson::GenericObject<Flag, T>& obj)
        // T value{..code..} ;  // if needed!
        if constexpr (Flag) {
            // code for extracting from an array....
        else {
            // code for extracting from a doc....

    See a live demo in godbolt.org

    Alternative to if constexpr, the solution can be SFINAEd, if you do not have C++17 compiler support.