
VS Code Live Server extension goes offline when opening the Chrome dev tools

So I currently have a problem with my browser and my IDE (VSCode).

When I open a local host with the Live Server extension on my project and open the Chrome dev tools, the live server instantly goes offline.

If I don't open it, saving my project does not disable the live server but as soon as it's opened and I come back on my project to make a change and save the files, the live server turns off.

I'm also noticing a change in the dev tools DOM code.

[That's the notifications I get when it goes offline](

I tried to uninstall and install again the extension. I also enabled full reload in my IDE settings I restarted my computer but it didn't fixed the problem.


  • Ok so I fixed the problem so here is the solution:

    In my Chrome dev tools, on the responsive menu, the option 'Offline' was selected instead of 'No throttling'. It's what causing the problem. I just switched to 'No throttling' and the problem was fixed.