
Why result of rest api mapping is null?

Here is my controller code, why is data returning as a null value?

Future<List<GetEntityKindsModel>> getEntityKinds() async
  List<GetEntityKindsModel> data = [];
      dynamic response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
      dynamic jsonData = jsonDecode(response.body);
      data = jsonData.map((item)=>GetEntityKindsModel.fromJson(item));
      print('Data -- $data');
    print('Error -- $e');
  return data;

I tried typecasting both jsonData and data into list format but still data returned as null. Is there any issue my with mapping of model to controller? Model has 2 nested classes

    class GetEntityKindsModel {
    required this.name,
    required this.type,
    required this.classType,
    required this.label,
    required this.pluralLabel,
    required this.id,
    required this.parentEntityId,
    required this.languageId,
    required this.entityIndex,

  String name;
  Type type;
  ClassType classType;
  String label;
  String pluralLabel;
  String? sharedVisibility;
  Subscribe? subscribe;
  int id;
  String? entityName;
  int parentEntityId;
  LanguageId languageId;
  int? timestamp;
  String? tagText;
  List<String> entityIndex;
  Code? code;
  BlobKey? blobKey;

  factory GetEntityKindsModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => GetEntityKindsModel(
    name: json["name"],
    type: typeValues.map[json["type"]]!,
    classType: classTypeValues.map[json["classType"]]!,
    label: json["label"],
    pluralLabel: json["pluralLabel"],
    sharedVisibility: json["sharedVisibility"],
    subscribe: subscribeValues.map[json["subscribe"]]!,
    id: json["id"],
    entityName: json["entityName"],
    parentEntityId: json["parentEntityId"],
    languageId: languageIdValues.map[json["languageId"]]!,
    timestamp: json["timestamp"],
    tagText: json["tagText"],
    entityIndex: List<String>.from(json["entityIndex"].map((x) => x)),
    code: json["code"] == null ? null : Code.fromJson(json["code"]),
    blobKey: json["blobKey"] == null ? null : BlobKey.fromJson(json["blobKey"]),

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
    "name": name,
    "type": typeValues.reverse[type],
    "classType": classTypeValues.reverse[classType],
    "label": label,
    "pluralLabel": pluralLabel,
    "sharedVisibility": sharedVisibility,
    "subscribe": subscribeValues.reverse[subscribe],
    "id": id,
    "entityName": entityName,
    "parentEntityId": parentEntityId,
    "languageId": languageIdValues.reverse[languageId],
    "timestamp": timestamp,
    "tagText": tagText,
    "entityIndex": List<dynamic>.from(entityIndex.map((x) => x)),
    "code": code?.toJson(),
    "blobKey": blobKey?.toJson(),

class BlobKey {
    required this.blobKey,

  String blobKey;

  factory BlobKey.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => BlobKey(
    blobKey: json["blobKey"],

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
    "blobKey": blobKey,

enum ClassType { STATIC, NULL, DYNAMIC }

final classTypeValues = EnumValues({
  "dynamic": ClassType.DYNAMIC,
  "null": ClassType.NULL,
  "static": ClassType.STATIC

class Code {
    required this.value,

  String value;

  factory Code.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Code(
    value: json["value"],

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
    "value": value,

enum LanguageId { EN_US }

final languageIdValues = EnumValues({
  "en_US": LanguageId.EN_US

enum Subscribe { YES, EMPTY }

final subscribeValues = EnumValues({
  "": Subscribe.EMPTY,
  "yes": Subscribe.YES

enum Type { PRIMARY, RELATED }

final typeValues = EnumValues({

class EnumValues<T> {
  Map<String, T> map;
  late Map<T, String> reverseMap;


  Map<T, String> get reverse {
    reverseMap = map.map((k, v) => MapEntry(v, k));
    return reverseMap;

Screenshot of print statement

Model class has been made from app.quicktype.io based on the json response of the api, which is too long so can't post here.


  • The error you are getting is

    Error -- Null check operator used on a null value

    It would have been useful if you mentioned that before..

    It simply means that you are using ! on variable that is null. In your code there is 4 places where this can happen:

    type: typeValues.map[json["type"]]!,
    classType: classTypeValues.map[json["classType"]]!,
    subscribe: subscribeValues.map[json["subscribe"]]!,
    languageId: languageIdValues.map[json["languageId"]]!,

    I'd suggest to remove the ! for all 4 and make the corresponding field nullable, like

      Type? type;
      ClassType? classType;
      Subscribe? subscribe;
      LanguageId? languageId;

    Subscribe is already like this.