I followed online articles to try and create my own example of IPC using AIDL. Below are my code snippets
// IIPCInterface.aidl
package com.zzzz.ipc_library;
// Declare any non-default types here with import statements
interface IIPCInterface
int returnValues();
package com.zzzz.ipc_server
import com.zzzz.ipc_library.IIPCInterface
class IPCServiceImpl : IIPCInterface.Stub()
override fun returnValues(): Int
val numberValues = 1
return numberValues
package com.zzzz.ipc_server
import android.app.Service
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.IBinder
class IPCService : Service()
override fun onBind(p0: Intent): IBinder?
return IPCServiceImpl()
ipc_server AndroidManifest.xml
<service android:name=".IPCService"
<action android:name="com.zzzz.ipc_server.IPCService"/>
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ServiceConnection
override fun onStart() {
Log.v("AIDL", "onStart calling bindService")
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Log.v("AIDL", "returnValues " + ipcservice?.returnValues())
private var ipcservice: IIPCInterface? = null
override fun onServiceConnected(p0: ComponentName?, p1: IBinder?){
Log.v("AIDL", "onServiceConnected called")
Log.v("AIDL", "")
ipcservice = IIPCInterface.Stub.asInterface(p1)
override fun onServiceDisconnected(p0: ComponentName?) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
I bind the service in onStart.
I never saw the logging in onServiceConnected being called so it seems that function was not executed.
The logging for returnValues shows null instead of 1.
I followed mainly the steps in this article (https://budhdisharma.medium.com/aidl-and-its-uses-in-android-e7a2520093e).
Are there steps I missed?
It may look not quite obvious, but before binding the service you need to add the service package to your manifest's queries section:
<package android:name="com.zzzz.ipc_server" />