
All events duplicated in Google Analytics 4 Debugger

When running the Debugger via Google Tag Manager and checking the Debug view in Google Analytics 4, everything looks fine... and then all of the sudden, multiples of every event show up. Sometimes there are 2 instances of events, sometimes 3, sometimes more if I stay on the page long enough. And then, sometimes if you reload the page, it will look like they went away. But then it will come back once it reloads again. I was made aware of the issue because a Conversion we have set up to fire on a page_view event (via a GTM trigger) has fired many times, when we only had 1 actual entry. I want to also note, this is happening for both built-in automatic events, and custom events I'm sending via GTM.

Other details:

Here's a screenshot:

Duplicate events in GA4

Here's what I've tried:


  • Refresh the debug view page in analytics and see if the duplicates persist.

    I have the same issue; the older the event the more copies there are. When I refresh the page everything looks as expected. Then, after some time, they start to duplicate again, including events fired 25 mins ago.