
pyproject.toml and cython extension module

I have an existing python project that is using mostly to build the project. The project has 2 x Cython extension modules configured in

Initially I did pip install -e . for development, but since then I'm using python build_ext --inplace to rebuild only the extensions when needed. Which is much faster compared to installing the package.

I started migrating the project to pyproject.toml including the project configs in the [project] section in pyproject.toml

My basically only contains the Cython extension modules, which I understand can not be migrated to 'pyproject.toml' as of yet.

Now my problem: python build_ext --inplace doesn't work anymore, because doesn't have all the information, and is not consulting pyproject.toml to read the project config (hence project configs information are missing).

Do I need to revert to my original*.cfg config, or is there some way to tell to retrieve the config from pyproject.toml?


  • For me it is working doing how they suggest in the Cython documentation and in the setuptools documentation.

    Adding cython as dependency in the requires list, was the only change I made to pyproject.toml.

    Following is the content of

    from setuptools import setup, Extension
    from Cython.Build import cythonize
    from Cython.Compiler import Options
    import numpy
    # These are optional
    Options.docstrings = True
    Options.annotate = False
    # Modules to be compiled and include_dirs when necessary
    extensions = [
        # Extension(
        #     "pyctmctree.inpyranoid_c",
        #     ["src/pyctmctree/inpyranoid_c.pyx"],
        # ),
            ["src/pyctmctree/domortho.pyx"], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()],
    # This is the function that is executed
        name='mypackage',  # Required
        # A list of compiler Directives is available at
        # external to be compiled
        ext_modules = cythonize(extensions, compiler_directives={"language_level": 3, "profile": False}),

    Note: get_include is needed only if you use the c version of numpy.

    Once the has been created I can compile the Cython extensions using
    pip install -e . (while inside the project directory).

    So far I have noticed the following 2 draw-backs in using pip install -e .:

    The above considerably slowdown development.

    Faster alternatives are: