
Image Stitching: Opencv SeamFinder returns patchy masks

I have a setup of 6 cameras (60° horizontal and vertical FoV) with the same center looking outwards with a horizontal rotation of 30 degrees. I am projecting the images onto a sphere and the cameras are located in the center of which, see sketch below.

simplified camera positioning sketch, look from on top of sphere

I am stitching the images together close to this diagram from opencv, but because I know the orientation of the cameras I skip the "registration" part and (for now) omit the blending of the images.

image stitching pipeline from opencv

My problem is, that the masks returned by the SeamFinder are nonsense. I think it should work, because if I use NoSeamfinder in the simulation the results look good, but I tried every other Seamfinder OpenCV provides and the results are as shown below: SeamFinder Results

I have worked with the stitching_detailed.cpp example from opencv to set up the pipeline but I have no idea what might be the issue. I thought that maybe, because I am working within a simulation, the gradients in the images are too sharp to work with, so I applied a Gaussian blur, which did not change anything.

I have some code snippets below and can post more on demand, but I want to avoid just dumping a whole load here.

I work with cv::Mat in the code and transform them to cv::UMat for the SeamFinder.

std::vector<cv::Mat> warped_images_mat;        // the single images are warped according to the sphere
std::vector<cv::UMat> warped_images_umat;

std::vector<cv::Mat> warped_masks_mat;         // Masks of the warped images within the sphere image
std::vector<cv::UMat> warped_masks_umat;

std::vector<cv::Mat> warped_masks_fixed_mat;   // These masks are calculated once and used to refresh the masks for the SeamFinder
std::vector<cv::UMat> warped_masks_fixed_umat;

std::vector<cv::Point> corners;                // position of the imgs and masks in the sphere image

cv::Ptr<cv::detail::SeamFinder> seam_finder = cv::makePtr<cv::detail::GraphCutSeamFinder>(cv::detail::GraphCutSeamFinderBase::COST_COLOR_GRAD);

// within the ROS2 callback:

this->warped_masks_umat.clear();  // clear the old masks
for(size_t cam_idx = 0; cam_idx < 6; cam_idx++){
        int cols = this->warped_images_mat.at(cam_idx).cols;
        int rows = this->warped_images_mat.at(cam_idx).rows;
        // std::cout << "rows: " << rows << "; cols: " << cols << std::endl;
        for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                if (this->warped_masks_fixed_mat.at(cam_idx).at<u_char>(row, col) != 0)
                    // code to refresh warped image
        this->warped_images_mat.at(cam_idx).getUMat(cv::ACCESS_RW).convertTo(this->warped_images_umat.at(cam_idx), CV_32F);

seam_finder->find(this->warped_images_umat, this->corners, this->warped_masks_umat);


  • I mixed up the notations from opencv. The .x and .y from cv::Point were exchanged. It worked like this for refreshing the incoming images but were the wrong way round for the SeamFinder.

    I noticed this when I tried to reproduce an example from the comment I got and noticed a distinctive shape in the masks. It works now also with the full masks, without cropping anything.