
NSPredicate SELF MATCHES doesn't work with simple contains regex

All I need is to check using NSPredicate and evaluate pattern if my string contains phrase.

extension String {
    func isValid(for string: String) -> Bool {
        NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", string).evaluate(with: self)

let pattern = "" // "\\.page\\.link"

"".isValid(for: pattern) //false
"".isValid(for: pattern) //false
"".isValid(for: pattern) //false

I know there is a simpler way to do this, but it is a part of something bigger, and my pattern is just case in enum.

First two should be true.


  • MATCHES considers always the whole string.

    range(of:options:) can also talk Regex and is easier to use

    extension String {
        func isValid(for pattern: String) -> Bool {
            range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) != nil