I am trying to use Joy UI and its dark mode https://mui.com/joy-ui/customization/dark-mode/
in my cljs project and am stuck with translating the part below to cljs code.
import * as React from 'react';
import { CssVarsProvider, extendTheme } from '@mui/joy/styles';
import Sheet from '@mui/joy/Sheet';
import Chip from '@mui/joy/Chip';
import Typography from '@mui/joy/Typography';
const theme = extendTheme({ cssVarPrefix: 'demo' });
export default function DarkModeByDefault() {
return (
// the props below are specific to this demo,
// you might not need them in your app.
// the selector to apply CSS theme variables stylesheet.
// the local storage key to use
// set as root provider
<div id="demo_dark-mode-by-default">
<Sheet sx={{ px: 3, py: 1.5, borderRadius: 'sm' }}>
<Chip variant="outlined" color="primary" size="sm">
Dark mode
I am using shadow-cljs
, and I tried to translate it like the following
(ns ....
["@mui/joy/Button" :as mui-joy-button]
["@mui/joy/Grid" :as mui-joy-grid]
["@mui/joy/styles" :as mui-joy-styles]))
(def btn (rc/adapt-react-class (.-default mui-joy-button)))
(def grd (rc/adapt-react-class (.-default mui-joy-grid)))
(def cvp (rc/adapt-react-class mui-joy-styles/CssVarsProvider))
(def ext mui-joy-styles/extendTheme)
(def theme (ext {:cssVarPrefix "demo"}))
(defn main-page []
[cvp {:defaultMode "dark"
:theme theme
:colorSchemeSelector "#demo_dark-mode-by-default"
:modeStorageKey "demo_dark-mode-by-default"
:disableNestedContext true}]
[:div {:id "demo_dark-mode-by-default"}
[grd {:container true :spacing 2}
[grd {:xs 8} [:p "asdasdfasdf"]]
[grd {:xs 4} [btn {:variant :solid} "asdf"]]]])
But the theming and dark mode do not work. I believe my problem is CssVarsProvider part. I am not sure how I can import it.
Can someone please provide a clue?
The (def theme ...)
is calling the (ext ...)
JS function with a CLJS Map. It won't support that, it will likely need to be either (def theme (ext #js {:cssVarPrefix "demo"}))
or (def theme (clj->js {:cssVarPrefix "demo"}))
, so that it is converted to a proper JS Object first. Which one you use depends on if you add nested structures. The #js
works only for simple objects, which in this case would fit.
You can also shrink the code a bit by using the :>
operator and the require sugar, so that you don't need all the extra defs.
(ns ...
["@mui/joy/Button$default" :as btn]
["@mui/joy/Grid$default" :as grd]
["@mui/joy/styles" :as mui-joy-styles :refer (CssVarsProvider extendTheme)]))
(def theme (extendTheme #js {:cssVarPrefix "demo"}))
(defn main-page []
[:> CssVarsProvider
{:defaultMode "dark"
:theme theme
:colorSchemeSelector "#demo_dark-mode-by-default"
:modeStorageKey "demo_dark-mode-by-default"
:disableNestedContext true}
[:div {:id "demo_dark-mode-by-default"}
[:> grd {:container true :spacing 2}
[:> grd {:xs 8}
[:p "asdasdfasdf"]]
[:> grd {:xs 4}
[:> btn {:variant "solid"} "asdf"]]]]])