
Using Custom ML Model with Service Now Predictive Intelligence

I have a custom ML Model and would like to integrate it with ServiceNow's Predictive Intelligence.

I have been reading their documentation , but could only find usage of some ML API and classes, but no where I could see if there is a way to integrate it with custom ML model. SNOW provides a class ClassificationSolution to use the in-built models, but I am not able to proceed on how to create our own custom model in Predictive Intelligence.


ServiceNow Version - San Diego


  • For anyone looking for an answer:

    This can be achieved via REST Action

    Given external ML model which is hosted as Rest API, we can call ML Model via a Rest Action in Flow Designer. We would then either take the output of your external ML model as input into a Predictive Intelligence model or vice versa via the Flow Designer Predictive Intelligence action.

    For details: Service Now Community