I'm trying to hide a file inside of a file and then take the hidden file back out and look at it.
I'm hiding the file just fine. However, I need to extract the file. I combine two byte arrays with a third in the middle for the separator. I'm not able to extract the whole file.
import java.io.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val original = args[0]
val hidden = args[1]
var newFile: String? = null
if(args.size == 3)
newFile = args[2]
//if its null I extract the file
if(newFile == null){
val originalFile = File(original)
val parts = originalFile.readBytes().toString().split("777777")
val bytes = parts.last().toByteArray()
val hiddenFile = File(hidden)
println("$hiddenFile is unhidden")
//hide the file
val originalBytes = File(original).readBytes()
val hiddenBytes = File(hidden).readBytes()
val file = File(newFile!!)
val separator = "777777".toByteArray()
file.writeBytes(originalBytes + separator + hiddenBytes)
println("$newFile is created")
If you get a corrupted file, that is most probably happening because the intermediate String conversion. When decoding a byte array to a string, and then re-encoding it into a byte array, you won't get back the same array with most encoding schemes.
To mitigate this problem, I would skip the string conversion entirely. You can use Google's Guava library to find your pattern in a byte array, using the Bytes.indexOf
Something like this:
import java.io.*
import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val original = args[0]
val hidden = args[1]
var newFile: String? = null
if(args.size == 3)
newFile = args[2]
val separator = "777777".toByteArray()
val originalBytes = File(original).readBytes()
//if its null I extract the file
if(newFile == null){
val separatorIndex = Bytes.indexOf(originalBytes , separator)
val bytes = originalBytes.sliceArray(separatorIndex + pattern.size..fileData.size - 1)
val hiddenFile = File(hidden)
println("$hiddenFile is unhidden")
//hide the file
val hiddenBytes = File(hidden).readBytes()
val file = File(newFile!!)
file.writeBytes(originalBytes + separator + hiddenBytes)
println("$newFile is created")