
Image not showing when inserting alias value from different files in Qt QML

I am building a settings page for my app and to be efficient I created a component separately to use it in different files.

I am using this component in the settings and giving them each a different icon, text and color. Everything works fine except the icon.

I am using the following things:

  1. Ubuntu
  2. Qt Creator 9.0.2
  3. Qt 6.2.4


import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15

Item {

    property alias option_width: menu_option_btn.width
    property alias btnText: btn_text.text
    property alias btnIcon: btn_icon.source
    property alias btnColor: bg_option.color
    property alias btnIconWidth: btn_icon.sourceSize.width
    property alias btnIconHeight: btn_icon.sourceSize.height

    id: menu_option_btn
    height: 50
    width: 300

    Rectangle {
        id: bg_option
        color: "#433f3f"
        anchors.fill: parent

    MouseArea {
        id: mouseArea
        anchors.fill: parent

        RowLayout {
            id: btn_layout
            anchors.fill: parent

            Rectangle {
                id: image_holder
                width: 50
                height: 200
                color: "#0000ffff"
                Layout.maximumWidth: 50
                Layout.minimumWidth: 50
                Layout.fillHeight: true

                Image {
                    id: btn_icon
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    sourceSize.height: 52
                    sourceSize.width: 52
                    anchors.leftMargin: 2
                    anchors.bottomMargin: 5
                    anchors.topMargin: 5
                    fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
                    visible: true

            Text {
                id: btn_text
                color: "#ffffff"
                text: qsTr("Text")
                font.pixelSize: 16
                Layout.leftMargin: 5
                Layout.fillWidth: true



import "../../widgets"
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 6.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15

    id: settings_app
    width: 1024 ;height: 540

    Image {
        id: settings_bg
        anchors.fill: parent
        source: "../../wallpapers/sunset flowers.png"
        fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop

    Component.onCompleted: {

    RowLayout {
        id: settings_layout
        anchors.fill: parent

        Rectangle {
            id: side_menu
            width: 200
            height: 200
            color: "#e82f2e2e"
            Layout.maximumWidth: 250
            Layout.minimumWidth: 250
            Layout.fillHeight: true

            ColumnLayout {
                id: side_menu_layout
                anchors.fill: parent
                spacing: 0

                ColumnLayout {
                    id: side_menu_layout_up
                    height: 100
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
                    spacing: 0

                    Layout.maximumHeight: 200
                    Layout.minimumHeight: 200
                    Layout.fillWidth: true

                    Image {
                        id: frame_bg
                        width: 150
                        height: 150
                        opacity: 1
                        source: "../../icons/DSC04191.JPG"
                        Layout.maximumHeight: 150
                        Layout.maximumWidth: 150
                        Layout.minimumHeight: 150
                        Layout.minimumWidth: 150
                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
                        sourceSize.height: 150
                        sourceSize.width: 150
                        fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop

                    Text {
                        id: displayName
                        color: "#ffffff"
                        text: qsTr("Username")
                        font.pixelSize: 16
                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop
                        Layout.fillWidth: true


                ColumnLayout {
                    id: side_menu_down_layout
                    width: 100
                    height: 100
                    Layout.topMargin: 50
                    Layout.maximumWidth: 250
                    Layout.minimumWidth: 250
                    Layout.maximumHeight: 275
                    Layout.minimumHeight: 275
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom
                    Layout.fillHeight: true
                    Layout.fillWidth: true

                    MenuOption {
                        id: option_account
                        Layout.leftMargin: 10
                        Layout.fillWidth: true
                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
                        btnText: "Account"
                        option_width: 250
                        btnColor: "#0000ffff"
                        btnIconHeight: 52
                        btnIconWidth: 52
                        btnIcon: "qrc:/Icons/icons/monitor.png"


        target: settingsApp

        function onChangeDisplayName(stringText){
            displayName.text = stringText


Here is my DIR tree

├── apps
│   ├── Settings
│   │   └── Settings.qml
│   └── VStore
│       ├── AppView.qml
│       ├── StoreAccount.qml
│       ├── StoreSettings.qml
│       └── VStore.qml
├── icons
│   ├── account.png
│   ├── back-arrow-64.png
│   ├── battery-icon.png
│   ├── cart.png
│   ├── cart-solo.png
│   ├── close.png
│   ├── devices.png
│   ├── DSC04191.JPG
│   ├── error.png
│   ├── icons8-devices-32.png
│   ├── info.png
│   ├── menu.png
│   ├── microphone-icon.png
│   ├── monitor.png
│   ├── notification-icon.png
│   ├── notification.png
│   ├── power-icon.png
│   ├── restart.png
│   ├── search.png
│   ├── settings-icon - app.png
│   ├── settings.png
│   ├── shutdown-menu.png
│   ├── shutdown.png
│   ├── star.png
│   ├── success.png
│   ├── user-icon.png
│   └── warning.png
├── rc_resources.py
├── resources.qrc
├── screens
│   ├── AppMenu.qml
│   ├── Desktop.qml
│   └── Login.qml
├── startup.py
├── system
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── endpoints.json
│   │   ├── package_list.txt
│   │   ├── sys_config.cpp
│   │   ├── sys_config.out
│   │   ├── syslogs.log
│   │   └── system.ini
│   ├── __pycache__
│   │   ├── user_auth.cpython-310.pyc
│   │   └── utils.cpython-310.pyc
│   ├── user_auth.py
│   └── utils.py
├── VultureOS.pyproject
├── VultureOS.pyproject.user
├── wallpapers
│   ├── cubes.jpg
│   └── sunset flowers.png
└── widgets
    ├── AppCard.qml
    ├── ChangeTitle.js
    ├── MenuOption.qml
    ├── MessageBox.qml
    ├── NotificationPanel.qml
    ├── TextFieldIcon.qml
    ├── TextInputField.qml
    └── Topbar.qml

10 directories, 60 files

Here is the content in QML file:

    <qresource prefix="/Icons">
        <file>icons/settings-icon - app.png</file>
    <qresource prefix="/screens">
    <qresource prefix="/Wallpapers">
        <file>wallpapers/sunset flowers.png</file>

Please help me out. It will highly appreciated.

Thank you


  • You need to import the generated rc_resources.py in your main file like

    import rc_resources

    Have a look at the documentation and this SO question.