I have an UI and a mainboard. They are communicated with UART protocol. I added a basic code to my mainboard to send "ADC1=xxxx ADC2=yyyy" data. I want to catch only this data from my mainboard but there are countless values which is sent from UI->MB or MB->UI. As a short ı want to catch only "ADC1=xxxx ADC2=yyyy" as xxxx and yyyy integers or strings and able to write it an basic html page in nodemcu with below code.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
int incomingByte = 0;
char deneme[] = "";
const char *delp;
const char *delp2;
/*Put your SSID & Password*/
const char* ssid = "ssid"; // Enter SSID here
const char* password = "pass"; //Enter Password here
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
float Temperature;
float Humidity;
void setup() {
Serial.println("Connecting to ");
//connect to your local wi-fi network
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
//check wi-fi is connected to wi-fi network
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected..!");
Serial.print("Got IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
server.on("/", handle_OnConnect);
Serial.println("HTTP server started");
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) // now we have at least one character in the Serial input buffer
String incomingStr = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
delp = strtok (deneme,"-");
delp2 = strtok (NULL,"-");
void handle_OnConnect() {
server.send(200, "text/html", SendHTML(Temperature,Humidity));
void handle_NotFound(){
server.send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
String SendHTML(float Temperaturestat,float Humiditystat){
String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html> <html>\n";
ptr +="<head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no\">\n";
ptr +="<title>ESP8266 Weather Report</title>\n";
ptr +="<style>html { font-family: Helvetica; display: inline-block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;}\n";
ptr +="body{margin-top: 50px;} h1 {color: #444444;margin: 50px auto 30px;}\n";
ptr +="p {font-size: 24px;color: #444444;margin-bottom: 10px;}\n";
ptr +="</style>\n";
ptr +="<script>\n";
ptr +="setInterval(loadDoc,200);\n";
ptr +="function loadDoc() {\n";
ptr +="var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();\n";
ptr +="xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {\n";
ptr +="if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {\n";
ptr +="document.getElementById(\"webpage\").innerHTML =this.responseText}\n";
ptr +="};\n";
ptr +="xhttp.open(\"GET\", \"/\", true);\n";
ptr +="xhttp.send();\n";
ptr +="}\n";
ptr +="</script>\n";
ptr +="</head>\n";
ptr +="<body>\n";
ptr +="<div id=\"webpage\">\n";
ptr +="<h1>ESP8266 NodeMCU Weather Report</h1>\n";
ptr +="<p>Temperature: ";
ptr +=delp;
ptr +=" NTC</p>";
ptr +="<p>Humidity: ";
ptr +=delp2;
ptr +=" Heatsink</p>";
ptr +="</div>\n";
ptr +="</body>\n";
ptr +="</html>\n";
return ptr;
Result of code is an disappointment, ı get error which is named as exception(9). I am not sure what is the problem. For me, possible reasons;
I think there's problem with
char deneme[] = "";
also whith use of strtok. I change declaration and remove blocking delay in loop : try this code : (I assume you receive "0xFF S ? ADC1=1189 ADC2=1508 S ? 0xFF S ?" in serial buffer)
EDIT: enhanced analyse of received data : must use strtok_r as you need two level of token search in array.
//char deneme[] = ""; remove this line
unsigned long tw;
void loop() {
if (millis() - tw > 500) { //read serial each 0.5 sec
if (Serial.available()) // now we have at least one character in the Serial input buffer
String incomingStr = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
//I test this with
//String incomingStr = "0xFF S ? ADC1=1189 ADC2=1508 S ? 0xFF S ?";
if (incomingStr.indexOf("ADC1") > -1 || incomingStr.indexOf("ADC2") > -1) { //if serial data contains ADC1 or ADC2
char deneme[incomingStr.length() + 1];
incomingStr.toCharArray(deneme, incomingStr.length() + 1);
Serial.println(deneme); //return "0xFF S ? ADC1=1189 ADC2=1508 S ? 0xFF S ?"
//use strtok_r function as we use two instance nested
//create contexts for strtok_r function
char* t1 = deneme; //must assign any value, char* t1; alone fail to compile
char* t2 = deneme; //idem
char* token = strtok_r (deneme, " ", &t1); //return "0xFF", "S", "ADC1=1189", etc...
while ( token != NULL ) {
char* token2 = strtok_r(token, "=", &t2); //return null,null,null,ADC1,ADC2 etc...
if (token2 != NULL ) {
if (String(token2) == "ADC1") delp = strtok_r (NULL, "=", &t2); //return 1189
if (String(token2) == "ADC2") delp2 = strtok_r (NULL, "=", &t2); //return 1508
token = strtok_r ( NULL, " ", &t1);
Serial.print("delp = ");Serial.println(delp);
Serial.print("delp2 = ");Serial.println(delp2);
tw = millis();
//scan http requests each loop