When the screen is smaller than 1021px, I try to add an eventListener on all navbar buttons. But when I return to a screen larger than 1020 px the eventListener remains active and I don't want it to remain active.
How should I modify the code to get what I want?
function navBarPhoneScreenClickEffect() {
const allPhoneTabsNav = document.querySelectorAll('div.phone-tab');
let vw = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0);
function test() {
if (vw <= 1020) {
for (let i = 0; i < allPhoneTabsNav.length; i++) {
allPhoneTabsNav[i].addEventListener('click', test)
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < allPhoneTabsNav.length; i++) {
allPhoneTabsNav[i].removeEventListener('click', test)
window.addEventListener('resize', navBarPhoneScreenClickEffect, false);
You need to pass the same function reference to removeEventListener
as was originally pased to addEventListener
. Since test
is defined inside the function navBarPhoneScreenClickEffect
, it's a different function each time navBarPhoneScreenClickEffect
is called. Declare it outside to fix this.
function test() {
function navBarPhoneScreenClickEffect() {
// ...