I've seen multiple questions about this but nothing helped me.
I have a StreamBuilder that look to a variable in Firestore, and this variable is use for a second StreamBuilder to get some text with an index.
When i update the variable on Firestore, the display of the variable is refreshed, but the texte is not, I need to hot reload or use the setstate() function.
I try to make a StreamSubscription for listening if the variable is update and call the setstate but that didn't work. I try calling setState in the StreamBuilder but I can't and even with WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) { })
Here my codes :
Stream for getting the variable
Stream _getIdDay() {
var stream = FirebaseFirestore.instance
return stream;
Streambuilder for showing the variable
stream: _getIdDay(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.active) {
_idDay = snapshot.data['id_day'];
return Text("$_idDay");
} else {
return Text("$_idDay");
Stream for getting the text
Stream _getQuestionAndDate(int idDay) {
var date = FirebaseFirestore.instance
return date;
StreamBuilder for showing the text
stream: _getQuestionAndDate(_idDay),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.active) {
_question = snapshot.data['Question'];
return Text(_question);
} else {
return Text(_question);
I think I managed to solve the problem.
Since I need to call the setState function or hot reload the app for my StreamBuilder to get the new text, I put a ValueNotifier on my index variable, and on the initState, I create a listener so when the variable change, I call the setState function.
I don't know if it's a good solution or no, but it's working, tell me if it's not and how I can improve that.
My new code :
final ValueNotifier<int> _idDay = ValueNotifier(1);
void initState() {
_idDay.addListener(() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
setState(() {});
access to the value with _idDay.value