
Running multiple concurrent processes in a bash script, such that if one dies it takes the other ones down with it

I want to run a series of commands concurrently such that if one of them dies they all stop.


  • If you've got Bash 4.3 (2014) or later, this Shellcheck-clean code demonstrates one way to do it:

    #! /bin/bash -p
    # Start some concurrent processes
    sleep 30 & sleep 31 & sleep 32 & sleep 33 & sleep 34 & sleep 35 & sleep 36 &
    sleep 5 &
    # Wait for any job to complete
    wait -n
    # Get the list of still running jobs, and kill them
    jobs=$(jobs -r)
    while read -r num _ cmd; do
        printf 'Killing: %s\n' "$cmd" >&2
        kill "%${num//[^[:digit:]]/}"
    done <<<"$jobs"