
itertools: cycle through several lists N times via iteration

I would like to replace:


with a more elegant formulation. I tried:

colors = itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(['k'], 12), itertools.repeat(['b'], 14), itertools.repeat(['g'], 13))

but it does not work, how can I do it?

Thanks a lot for your help


  • Simple way:

    from itertools import cycle
    colors = cycle('k'*12 + 'b'*14 + 'g'*13)

    (If your strings aren't just single characters, wrap them in lists like ['k']*12.)

    With more itertools:

    from itertools import cycle, repeat, chain, starmap
    spec = ('k', 12), ('b', 14), ('g', 13)
    colors = chain.from_iterable(starmap(repeat, cycle(spec)))
    from itertools import cycle, repeat, chain, starmap
    spec = ('k', 12), ('b', 14), ('g', 13)
    colors = cycle(chain(*starmap(repeat, spec)))

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