I am having the following db tables
// Table 1: Foos
id, foo_name, foo_type, created_at, updated_at
// Table 2: Bars
id, bar_name, bar_type, parent_id, foo_id [ForeignKey], created_at, updated_at
// Table 3: Quxes
id, qux_name, bar_id [ForeignKey], created_at, updated_at
And I am having the following seeders setup
class FooSeeder extends Seeder
public function run()
'foo_name' => 'Foo',
'foo_type' => 'Foo type',
class BarSeeder extends Seeder
public function run()
'bar_name' => 'Bar',
'bar_type' => 'Bar type',
'foo_id' => 1,
'parent_id' => 1,
'bar_name' => 'Bar Bar',
'bar_type' => 'Bar Bar type',
'foo_id' => 1,
'parent_id' => 0,
class QuxSeeder extends Seeder
public function run()
'qux_name' => 'Qux',
'bar_id' => 1,
'qux_name' => 'Qux Qux',
'bar_id' => 1,
When I try to run php artisan db:seed
I get the following error
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1701 Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (`mylaravelschema`.`quxes`, CONSTRAINT `qux_bar_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`bar_id`) REFERENCES `mylaravelschema`.`bars` (`id`)) (SQL: truncate table `bars`)
I have been trying to play with the order of truncating the tables on these three seeders and still haven't manage to sort this, any help appreciated.
I ended up using this solution
class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
protected $tables = [
public function run()
DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0');
foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1');