from a table i want to create groups by 4 different "Klasse" ordered by KW in one select query.
id | Name | Klasse | Resonanz | KW | ... |
4 | VolkerKnecht | Kreuzritter | 570 | 13777 | 8888 |
9 | Aergernis | Zauberer | 710 | 12075 | 13444 |
14 | Utherus | Dämonenjäger | 770 | 11100 | 8888 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
15 | Belzepoop | Mönch | 670 | 10101 | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3 | Loddar | Barbar | 470 | 9876 | 8888 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5 | WootanFall | Totenbeschwörer | 810 | 8956 | 8888 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Each group of 4 must NOT contain same "Klasse" and the next group have to be the next highest KW.
output wanted:
Groupname | Players |
grp1 | VolkerKnecht,Aergernis,Utherus,Belzepoop |
grp2 | SiliconWilly,Siegesmund,Eisenklaus,Loddar |
... | ... |
so grp1 contains "Klasse" = 1 "Kreuzritter", 1 "Zauberer", 1 "Dämonenjäger", 1 "Mönch" with the highest KW
grp2: contains "Klasse" = 1 "Dämonenjäger", 1 "Zauberer", 1 "Kreuzritter", 1 "Barbar" (2nd best KW constalation)
grpX can have any other constalation by "Klasse" but the next highest KW group
fiddle here:!9/fc2f87/1/0
it may happen that i further need some more WHEREs and excludes "Klasse" to make this table come to my wishes
Thank you very kindly
I think your problem could not be solved by SQL and should be implemented it in back-end code. Here is the closed query that could group your data into group of 4 Klasse
-- 3. start part 3
SELECT CONCAT('group', FLOOR(row_number/4) + 1) AS Groupname, GROUP_CONCAT(Name) AS Players
-- 2. start part 2
(SELECT part1.*, (@row_number := @row_number + 1) AS row_number
-- 1. start part 1
Klasse, Name, KW,
(@class_rank := CASE WHEN @klasse = Klasse THEN @class_rank + 1 ELSE 0 END) AS class_rank,
@klasse := Klasse
FROM valar_date
CROSS JOIN (SELECT @class_rank := -1, @klasse := '') param1
ORDER BY Klasse, KW+0 DESC) part1
-- 1. end part 1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT @row_number := -1) param2
ORDER BY part1.class_rank, part1.KW DESC) part2
-- 2. end part 2
GROUP BY FLOOR(row_number/4);
-- 3. end part 3
Explanation of the above query:
by value of KW
column.See demo here