
Create tablegroup with 4 different values ordered by other value by select in mariadb

from a table i want to create groups by 4 different "Klasse" ordered by KW in one select query.

id Name Klasse Resonanz KW ...
4 VolkerKnecht Kreuzritter 570 13777 8888
9 Aergernis Zauberer 710 12075 13444
14 Utherus Dämonenjäger 770 11100 8888
... ... ... ... ... ...
15 Belzepoop Mönch 670 10101
... ... ... ... ... ...
3 Loddar Barbar 470 9876 8888
... ... ... ... ... ...
5 WootanFall Totenbeschwörer 810 8956 8888
... ... ... ... ... ...

Each group of 4 must NOT contain same "Klasse" and the next group have to be the next highest KW.

output wanted:

Groupname Players
grp1 VolkerKnecht,Aergernis,Utherus,Belzepoop
grp2 SiliconWilly,Siegesmund,Eisenklaus,Loddar
... ...

so grp1 contains "Klasse" = 1 "Kreuzritter", 1 "Zauberer", 1 "Dämonenjäger", 1 "Mönch" with the highest KW

grp2: contains "Klasse" = 1 "Dämonenjäger", 1 "Zauberer", 1 "Kreuzritter", 1 "Barbar" (2nd best KW constalation)

grpX can have any other constalation by "Klasse" but the next highest KW group

fiddle here:!9/fc2f87/1/0

it may happen that i further need some more WHEREs and excludes "Klasse" to make this table come to my wishes

Thank you very kindly


  • I think your problem could not be solved by SQL and should be implemented it in back-end code. Here is the closed query that could group your data into group of 4 Klasse.

    -- 3. start part 3
    SELECT CONCAT('group', FLOOR(row_number/4) + 1) AS Groupname, GROUP_CONCAT(Name) AS Players
      -- 2. start part 2
      (SELECT part1.*, (@row_number := @row_number + 1) AS row_number
        -- 1. start part 1
             Klasse, Name, KW,
             (@class_rank := CASE WHEN @klasse = Klasse THEN @class_rank + 1 ELSE 0 END) AS class_rank,
             @klasse := Klasse
         FROM valar_date
             CROSS JOIN (SELECT @class_rank := -1, @klasse := '') param1
         ORDER BY Klasse, KW+0 DESC) part1
         -- 1. end part 1
         CROSS JOIN (SELECT @row_number := -1) param2
      ORDER BY part1.class_rank, part1.KW DESC) part2
      -- 2. end part 2
    GROUP BY FLOOR(row_number/4);
    -- 3. end part 3

    Explanation of the above query:

    1. Part 1: ranking data inside each Klasse by value of KW column.
    2. Part 2: ordering data by ranking value of step 1, then assign row number for each record. By doing this, data will be ordered from the highest ranking to the lowest ranking of each group.
    3. Part 3: grouping each 4 records into 1 group.

    See demo here