
Appcelerator Platform support error in adhoc build of Titanium mobile

A support error occurs when performing a build.

$ ti build -T dist-adhoc
This application cannot be built with the Titanium open source SDK because it is an 
Appcelerator Platform registered application. Please use the Appcelerator Platform CLI 
tools or Appcelerator Studio to build this application

No login is available.

$ appc login
Support for the Appcelerator CLI has ceased from March 1st 2022. 
Please migrate to the OSS Titanium and Alloy tooling for Titanium purposes or the Axway CLI for Axway purposes

I have done the build with the information on this website, is there anything I am missing?



  • Yes, you are missing the "transfer from Appc -> ti" part https://titaniumsdk.com/guide/Titanium_SDK/Titanium_SDK_How-tos/Transfer_your_app_from_appc_CLI_to_ti_CLI/

    In your case it should just be the GUID. Go to https://www.guidgenerator.com and create a new one and use that.

    After that you should be ready to build again