I frequently come up with a problem, where I want to modify, say, a column in an array based on information on another array, but I don't know how to do these sort of problems, efficiently avoiding for loops.
To give an example, here is a reproducible R code for a maximization and mass transfer problem using 3D arrays. The code works fine, but the nested loop at the bottom is too slow for my purposes.
The question is, whether there is a way to improve its speed, e.g., by using mapply. I haven't been able to do so this far.
# Initialize parameters
N = 11
I = 3
P = 10
# Initialize some random-ish inputs
prob = runif(P)
prob = prob/sum(prob)
alpha = array(0, c(N,I))
for (i in 1:I) {
alpha[, i] = (1-seq(0, 1, 1/(N-1)))/i
f0 = array(runif(N*I), c(N,I))
f0 = f0/(rep(1,N) %*% t(colSums(f0)))
obj = array(runif(N*N*I*P), c(N,N,I,P))
# Initialize the arrays needed in the solution
maxmat = array(0, c(N, I,P))
inds = array(0, c(I*N, 3, P))
p0 = array(0, c(N,I))
arr = array(0, c(N,I))
# Solve a maximization problem
maxmat = apply(obj, c(1,3,4), function(x) which.max(x))
# How do I improve the performance of the below code?
for (i in 1:I) {
for (p in 1:P) {
p_tmp = 0
p_tmp = prob[p]*rowsum(f0[,i], maxmat[, i,p])
p0[as.numeric(attributes(p_tmp)$dimnames[[1]]),i] = p0[as.numeric(attributes(p_tmp)$dimnames[[1]]),i]+ p_tmp[,1]
arr[,i] = arr[,i] + prob[p]*alpha[maxmat[,i, p],i]*f0[,i]
This loop can be fully vectorized using outer
and rowSums
(with the dims
argument) and adjusting the maxmat
indices to correspond with i
. The vectorized solution is ~18 times faster.
fp <- outer(f0, prob)
mm <- maxmat + rep(rep(seq(0, (I - 1L)*N, N), each = N), P)
p02 <- matrix(rowsum(c(fp, numeric(N*I)), c(mm, 1:(I*N))), N, I)
arr2 <- rowSums(fp*alpha[mm], dims = 2L)
Check that the results are the same:
all.equal(list(p0, arr), list(p02, arr2))
#> [1] TRUE
Benchmark with N = 110
, I = 30
, and P = 100
vectorized = {
fp <- outer(f0, prob)
mm <- maxmat + rep(rep(seq(0, (I - 1L)*N, N), each = N), P)
p02 <- array(rowsum(c(fp, numeric(N*I)), c(mm, 1:(I*N))), c(N, I))
arr2 <- rowSums(fp*alpha[mm], dims = 2L)
loops = {
for (i in 1:I) {
for (p in 1:P) {
p_tmp = prob[p]*rowsum(f0[,i], maxmat[, i,p])
p0[as.numeric(attributes(p_tmp)$dimnames[[1]]),i] = p0[as.numeric(attributes(p_tmp)$dimnames[[1]]),i]+ p_tmp[,1]
arr[,i] = arr[,i] + prob[p]*alpha[maxmat[,i, p],i]*f0[,i]
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> vectorized 12.7971 17.76585 18.83623 19.4157 19.87045 33.4201 100
#> loops 213.0616 333.43520 348.48067 366.3358 382.36215 422.4743 100
A little explanation about c(fp, numeric(N*I))
and c(mm, 1:(I*N))
: appending N*I
zeros (whose groups are 1:(I*N)
) to the end of fp
ensures that rowsum
returns a vector of length N*I
so we don't have to initialize p0
or mess with dimnames