I have an API that returns an encoded polyline string and I need to show the polyline on a map.
How can I trasform the String "_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@" to a Set<Polyline>
mapType: MapType.normal,
initialCameraPosition: initialPosition,
polylines: ????,
I tried with google_polyline_algorithm library, but when I decode the polyline I get a List<List<num>>
instead of a Set<Polyline>
I have implemented like this and it worked
Plugin used:
For GoogleMap:
mapType: MapType.normal,
myLocationButtonEnabled: true,
markers: markers,
polylines: _polylines,
To get the Direction from Google Direction API
class DirectionsRepository {
static const String _baseUrl =
final Dio _dio;
DirectionsRepository({required Dio dio}) : _dio = dio;
Future<Directions?> getRouteBetweenCoordinates({
required LatLng origin,
required LatLng destination,
}) async {
debugPrint('getting direction');
final response = await _dio.get(
queryParameters: {
'origin': '${origin.latitude},${origin.longitude}',
'destination': '${destination.latitude},${destination.longitude}',
'key': 'google-directions-api-key',
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
if (response.data['routes'].length < 1) {
return null;
return Directions.fromMap(response.data);
} else {
debugPrint('response => $response');
return null;
The Direction Model:
import 'package:flutter_polyline_points/flutter_polyline_points.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
class Directions {
final LatLngBounds bounds;
final List<PointLatLng> polylinePoints;
final String totalDistance;
final String totalDuration;
const Directions({
required this.bounds,
required this.polylinePoints,
required this.totalDistance,
required this.totalDuration,
factory Directions.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
final data = Map<String, dynamic>.from(map['routes'][0]);
// Bounds
final northeast = data['bounds']['northeast'];
final southwest = data['bounds']['southwest'];
final bounds = LatLngBounds(
northeast: LatLng(northeast['lat'], northeast['lng']),
southwest: LatLng(southwest['lat'], southwest['lng']),
// Distance & Duration
String distance = '';
String duration = '';
if ((data['legs'] as List).isNotEmpty) {
final leg = data['legs'][0];
distance = leg['distance']['text'];
duration = leg['duration']['text'];
return Directions(
bounds: bounds,
totalDistance: distance,
totalDuration: duration,
To get the Polylines:
final Directions? directions = await DirectionsRepository(dio: Dio())
.getRouteBetweenCoordinates(origin: origin, destination: dest);
if (directions == null) return;
_info = directions;
_polylines = {
polylineId: const PolylineId('direction_polyline'),
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
width: 5,
points: _info!.polylinePoints
.map((e) => LatLng(e.latitude, e.longitude))