
How can i list the different instances of a Azure app service and restart an instance?

I have a app service in Azure that has been scaled out to 5 instances. I can list the instances via the following az cli command

   az webapp list-instances

But how can i tell which instance has frozen or is not responding and restart it ?


  • Here is some powershell to call the REST API to fetch a list of instances, and call a health probe on each one:

    ## 1. define environment
    $subscriptionId = "redacted";
    $resourceGroup = "redacted";
    $webAppName = "redacted";
    $staging = $false
    # 2. get a list of instances:
    $token = Get-AzAccessToken;
    $RequestHeader = @{
        Authorization  = "Bearer $($token.Token)";
        'Content-Type' = "application/json";
    if ($staging) {
        $instancesUrl = "$($subscriptionId)/resourcegroups/$($resourceGroup)/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$($webAppName)/slots/staging/instances?api-version=2022-03-01";
    } else {
        $instancesUrl = "$($subscriptionId)/resourcegroups/$($resourceGroup)/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$($webAppName)/instances?api-version=2022-03-01";
    Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $RequestHeader -Uri $instancesUrl | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value | Select-Object -ExpandProperty properties;
    # 2. do a health-check on each instance:
    $instances = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $RequestHeader -Uri $instancesUrl | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value | Select-Object -ExpandProperty properties;
    $webAppDomain = "$($webAppName)";
    $webAppUrl = "https://$($webAppDomain)/healthprobe.html";
    foreach ($instance in $instances)
        $instanceId = $instance.Name
        "Going to check healthprobe URL on instance $($instanceId)";
        $s = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
        $c = New-Object System.Net.Cookie('ARRAffinity',$instanceId,'/',$webAppDomain)
        Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri $webAppUrl -WebSession $s