I have trained a YOLOv8 object detection model using a custom dataset, and I want to convert it to a Core ML model so that I can use it on iOS.
After exporting the model, I have a converted model to core ml, but I need the coordinates or boxes of the detected objects as output in order to draw rectangular boxes around the detected objects.
As a beginner in this area, I am unsure how to achieve this. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Training model:
!yolo task=detect mode=train model=yolov8s.pt data= data.yaml epochs=25 imgsz=640 plots=True
!yolo task=detect mode=val model=runs/detect/train/weights/best.pt data=data.yaml
Export this model to coreML:
!yolo mode=export model=runs/detect/train/weights/best.pt format=coreml
How can I get the co ordinate output?
To get the cordinates as output use nms=True
from ultralytics import YOLO
yolo export model=path/to/best.pt format=onnx nms=True
This will give a option to preview your model in Xcode , and the output will return coordinates