Suddenly today all my tests stopped working, giving me following error message:
selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 97 Current browser version is 99.0.4844.51 with binary path C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
I have not updated the browser (auto-update is disabled) before the error occurred, i haven't changed anything at all. I have now downloaded Version 99.0.4844.51 of both the browser as well as driver but I still get the very same error. I've tried every solution i could find on here and the internet (although most were just "update your stuff") but nothing has worked.
while many answers here are correct, they cannot easily be automated.
Here's what I did:
a) Anand Gautams solution does work under certain circumstances: f.e. local and manual use of tests. I use webdriver-manager in those cases and it works well. If Anand had posted an Answer instead of a comment, i would mark that as a Solution as it partially is.
b) In stage and production and when automated on a company server having a program download things is generally a bad idea. Yes you can whitelist the source but for a multitude of security reasons (from technical to legal) you shouldn't. My solution for this was a rather daunting one: I made a collection of all reasonable webdriver versions for all the supported browsers (which is being expanded regularly since clients have a completely different definition of "reasonable") and made a module that checks for installed browsers and their versions and pairs them with the corresponding webdriver version (for local usage) or enables you to manually choose a version to test with (for test automation on a server).
b1) I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the module here publicly, i will ask and edit the answer should this be the case.
b2) While this solution enables you to automate support for a great bandwidth of browsers and versions within a closed system it is very tedious and maintaining it can be work intensive at times. I would definitely try to avoid this solution if possible.
For now I will mark this answer as a solution. I hope somebody comes up with something better in the future.