
Jfrog + SBT unathorized error with valid credentials

My problem is that I'm getting unathorized error from jfrog artifactory

enter image description here

I have credentials file in ~/.ivy2/.credentials, credentials correct 100% because I can access JFrog from UI with this credentials.

I've tried everything:

No matter what I'm doing I'm getting unathorized from my JFrog artifactory. Maybe there is something that I'm missing, could you please help me?


  • The problem has been solved.

    1. Create .credentials file in .sbt folder
    2. Add this data to .credentials
    realm=Artifactory Realm
    1. Create credentials.sbt in .sbt/1.0/plugins
    2. Add credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials") into credentials.sbt file

    Those steps solved problem for me!