My problem is that I'm getting unathorized error from jfrog artifactory
I have credentials file in ~/.ivy2/.credentials, credentials correct 100% because I can access JFrog from UI with this credentials.
I've tried everything:
java --% -server -Dsbt.boot.credentials=C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.ivy2\.credentials -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin\sbt-launch.jar"
No matter what I'm doing I'm getting unathorized from my JFrog artifactory. Maybe there is something that I'm missing, could you please help me?
The problem has been solved.
file in .sbt folder.credentials
realm=Artifactory Realm
in .sbt/1.0/plugins
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials")
into credentials.sbt
fileThose steps solved problem for me!