
Why does os.walk() (Python) ignore a OneDrive directory depending on the number of files in it?

I am doing an os.walk() over a certain part of my OneDrive synced folder structure. It all worked fine until recently. Now ALL files from one specific directory are ignored. I tested several possible reasons and narrowed it down to this: The directory that is ignored is the one that holds the most files (897 at this point).

If I remove two of the files from said directory (it does not matter which two), it works and all files are recognized. When I add the files again, the result is the same: No files from that directory turn up in my os.walk() result list.

I did check Microsoft's Restrictions and limitations in OneDrive and SharePoint, but am far from any of the file size and number (1 ,2) limits mentioned.

My code looks like this

files = []
for root, dir, files in os.walk(mainDirectory):
    for f in files:
        if 'Common part' in root:
            files.append(os.path.join(root, f))

'Common part' is a text string, that all relevant folders in the mainDirectory have in common.

The directory itself is recognized all the times, just the files are not added to my list. So, I tried another approach featuring glob.glob(). Here, the results are a bit different but still not satisfactory:

folders = []
for root, dir, files in os.walk(mainDirectory):
    for d in dir:
        if d.startswith('Common part')
            folders.append(os.path.join(root, d))

files = [glob.glob(os.path.join(f,'*.xlsx')) for f in folders]

This does give me approximately half the files from the problematic folder. Again, when I remove two files, it gives me the full list.

When I copy/move the files to a local (not OneDrive synced) path, it works. So I guess it does have to do with OneDrive. Having the files outside of OneDrive is not an option.

The directory in question is not directly in my OneDrive but a "Sync"/"Shortcut" from SharePoint.

All files can be opened, they are downloaded, not on-demand. I have removed the sync and re-synced the folder. I have restarted OneDrive (and my machine) several times

I am really at a loss here. Any hints welcome!

Update: Thanks to the help of @GordonAitchJay, it could be established, that at the threshold of files (or sum of file sizes?) functions like os.listdir() and win32file.FindFilesW() stop returning their usual output and instead return OSError: [WinError 87] The parameter is incorrect

Also, in the meantime, we reproduced the same behaviour on another machine within the same organization. This was conducted after a full reset of my OneDrive did not result in any improvement.


  • Though I can't prove it, it seems that OneDrive is up to some sort of tomfoolery that causes win32's FindNextFileW to fail with a ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error, but apparently only when it is called by Python's os.walk, os.listdir, and win32file.FindFilesW, and when some files have been deleted from the OneDrive directory syncing a SharePoint folder. Utterly bizarre. I'm thinking maybe OneDrive hooks FindNextFileW which remains after ending the OneDrive process and services with Task Manager.

    A workaround is to use ctypes to call the lower level NtQueryDirectoryFile function (which is ultimately what FindNextFileW calls anyway).

    Eryk Sun's answer to another question has a working example. I have copied it below, and have only changed the last couple lines:

    import os
    import msvcrt
    import ctypes
    from ctypes import wintypes
    ntdll = ctypes.WinDLL('ntdll')
    kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True)
    def NtError(status):
        err = ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosError(status)
        return ctypes.WinError(err)
    NTSTATUS = wintypes.LONG
    STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES = NTSTATUS(0x80000006).value
    INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = wintypes.HANDLE(-1).value
    GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
    FileDirectoryInformation = 1
    FileBasicInformation = 4
    ULONG_PTR = wintypes.WPARAM
    class UNICODE_STRING(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = (('Length',        wintypes.USHORT),
                    ('MaximumLength', wintypes.USHORT),
                    ('Buffer',        wintypes.LPWSTR))
    class IO_STATUS_BLOCK(ctypes.Structure):
        class _STATUS(ctypes.Union):
            _fields_ = (('Status',  NTSTATUS),
                        ('Pointer', wintypes.LPVOID))
        _anonymous_ = '_Status',
        _fields_ = (('_Status',     _STATUS),
                    ('Information', ULONG_PTR))
    ntdll.NtQueryInformationFile.restype = NTSTATUS
    ntdll.NtQueryInformationFile.argtypes = (
        wintypes.HANDLE,        # In  FileHandle
        PIO_STATUS_BLOCK,       # Out IoStatusBlock
        wintypes.LPVOID,        # Out FileInformation
        wintypes.ULONG,         # In  Length
        FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS) # In  FileInformationClass
    ntdll.NtQueryDirectoryFile.restype = NTSTATUS
    ntdll.NtQueryDirectoryFile.argtypes = (
        wintypes.HANDLE,        # In     FileHandle
        wintypes.HANDLE,        # In_opt Event
        PIO_APC_ROUTINE,        # In_opt ApcRoutine
        wintypes.LPVOID,        # In_opt ApcContext
        PIO_STATUS_BLOCK,       # Out    IoStatusBlock
        wintypes.LPVOID,        # Out    FileInformation
        wintypes.ULONG,         # In     Length
        FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, # In     FileInformationClass
        wintypes.BOOLEAN,       # In     ReturnSingleEntry
        PUNICODE_STRING,        # In_opt FileName
        wintypes.BOOLEAN)       # In     RestartScan
    kernel32.CreateFileW.restype = wintypes.HANDLE
    kernel32.CreateFileW.argtypes = (
        wintypes.LPCWSTR,      # In     lpFileName
        wintypes.DWORD,        # In     dwDesiredAccess
        wintypes.DWORD,        # In     dwShareMode
        LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, # In_opt lpSecurityAttributes
        wintypes.DWORD,        # In     dwCreationDisposition
        wintypes.DWORD,        # In     dwFlagsAndAttributes
        wintypes.HANDLE)       # In_opt hTemplateFile
    class FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = (('CreationTime',   wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('LastAccessTime', wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('LastWriteTime',  wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('ChangeTime',     wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('FileAttributes', wintypes.ULONG))
    class FILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = (('_Next',          wintypes.ULONG),
                    ('FileIndex',      wintypes.ULONG),
                    ('CreationTime',   wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('LastAccessTime', wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('LastWriteTime',  wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('ChangeTime',     wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('EndOfFile',      wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('AllocationSize', wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER),
                    ('FileAttributes', wintypes.ULONG),
                    ('FileNameLength', wintypes.ULONG),
                    ('_FileName',      wintypes.WCHAR * 1))
        def FileName(self):
            addr = ctypes.addressof(self) + type(self)._FileName.offset
            size = self.FileNameLength // ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.WCHAR)
            return (wintypes.WCHAR * size).from_address(addr).value
        def __repr__(self):
            return '<{} {!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.FileName)
        def listbuf(cls, buf):
            result = []
            base_size = ctypes.sizeof(cls) - ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.WCHAR)
            offset = 0
            while True:
                fdi = cls.from_buffer(buf, offset)
                if fdi.FileNameLength and fdi.FileName not in ('.', '..'):
                    cfdi = cls()
                    size = base_size + fdi.FileNameLength
                    ctypes.resize(cfdi, size)
                    ctypes.memmove(ctypes.byref(cfdi), ctypes.byref(fdi), size)
                if fdi._Next:
                    offset += fdi._Next
            return result
    def isdir(path):
        if not isinstance(path, int):
            return os.path.isdir(path)
            hFile = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(path)
        except IOError:
            return False
        iosb = IO_STATUS_BLOCK()
        status = ntdll.NtQueryInformationFile(hFile, ctypes.byref(iosb),
                    ctypes.byref(info), ctypes.sizeof(info),
        return bool(status >= 0 and info.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
    def ntlistdir(path=None):
        result = []
        if path is None:
            path = os.getcwd()
        if isinstance(path, int):
            close = False
            fd = path
            hFile = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fd)
            close = True
            hFile = kernel32.CreateFileW(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,
                        None, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, None)
            if hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:
                raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
            fd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(hFile, os.O_RDONLY)
            if not isdir(fd):
                raise ctypes.WinError(ERROR_DIRECTORY)
            iosb = IO_STATUS_BLOCK()
            info = (ctypes.c_char * 4096)()
            while True:
                status = ntdll.NtQueryDirectoryFile(hFile, None, None, None,
                            ctypes.byref(iosb), ctypes.byref(info),
                            ctypes.sizeof(info), FileDirectoryInformation,
                            False, None, False)
                if (status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW or
                    iosb.Information == 0 and status >= 0):
                    info = (ctypes.c_char * (ctypes.sizeof(info) * 2))()
                elif status == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES:
                elif status >= 0:
                    sublist = DirEntry.listbuf(info)
                    raise NtError(status)
            if close:
        return result
    for entry in ntlistdir(r"C:\Users\UserName\OneDriveFolder\BigFolder"):