I'm learning the Sequelize.js framework and it's pretty awesome. But when I try to remove a column from my test tables in in my migration file, I get this error:
ERROR: Cannot delete property 'meta' of [object Array]
This error occurs when I use the removeColumn function from the query interface but I don't have an idea why ...
My migration file:
'use strict';
const {DataTypes} = require("sequelize");
/** @type {import('sequelize-cli').Migration} */
module.exports = {
async up (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
return queryInterface.sequelize.transaction(t => {
return Promise.all([
queryInterface.removeColumn('Students', 'bloodStatus', {transaction: t}),
async down (queryInterface, Sequelize) {
return queryInterface.sequelize.transaction(t => {
return Promise.all([
queryInterface.addColumn('Students', 'bloodStatus', {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
}, {transaction: t}),
I used the migration file above but I get the error
ERROR: Cannot delete property 'meta' of [object Array]
I read the documentation and tried to find a solution, but unfortunately I can't find one.
I found the solution! I use a MariaDB in a docker container (10.11.2-MariaDB-1:10.11.2+maria~ubu2204 - mariadb.org binary distribution) and the dialect in the config.json was set to mariadb as shown in the code example below:
"development": {
"username": "christian_cornwall",
"password": "hogwarts",
"database": "hogwarts_sequelize",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mariadb"
"test": {
"username": "root",
"password": null,
"database": "database_test",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mariadb"
"production": {
"username": "root",
"password": null,
"database": "database_production",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mariadb"
After changing the dialect settings to mysql (if you don't have the package installed, it'll ask you to install mysql2 via npm) the error's gone and the removeColumn function works. I hope this will help somebody!