I am creating a program that requires changing the colour of a polygon using tkintermapview during the program. I have tried the following:
polygon1 = map_widget.set_polygon([(52, -1),
(52.5, -1.1),
(52.2, -1.5)],
fill_color = 'red',
name='Test location')
polygon1.fill_color = 'black'
However, the colour on the map does not change from red to black. How would I achieve the desired outcome?
Changing the attribute fill_color
will not update the polygon already drawn on the map automatically.
As the map is drawn in a tkinter Canvas
object and the polygon is a polygon item of the canvas object, so you can using Canvas.itemconfig()
to change the fill color you want as below:
polygon1 = map_widget.set_polygon([(52, -1),
(52.5, -1.1),
(52.2, -1.5)],
fill_color = 'red',
name='Test location')
map_widget.canvas.itemconfig(polygon1.canvas_polygon, fill="yellow")
Note that map_widget.canvas
is the Canvas
object and polygon1.canvas_polygon
is the item ID of the polygon item (according to the source code of tkintermapview