
Disable or enable warnings for cppcheck using a configuration file

With clang-tidy static analyzer I can keep a file (.clang-tidy) in the root of the project with the warnings I want to activate or deactivate. clang-tidy will look for this file (as far I know) and use the options defined there. This saves me from hard coding long command lines in CMake or Makefiles.

Is it possible to do the same with cppcheck static analyzer?

Currently I have this very long command line hardcoded:

cppcheck --max-ctu-depth=3 --enable=all --inline-suppr --suppress=*:*thrust/complex* --suppress=missingInclude --suppress=syntaxError --suppress=unmatchedSuppression --suppress=preprocessorErrorDirective --language=c++ --std=c++14 --error-exitcode=666

This is an example of .clang-tidy configuration file that I keep at the root of a project:

Checks: '
WarningsAsErrors: '*'
HeaderFilterRegex: '.'
AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false
FormatStyle: file


  • I think the easiest way is via --suppressions-list=<file> option.

    For example, write the following .suppress.cppcheck file:


    And add --suppressions-list=./.suppress.cppcheck to your cppcheck cmdline.