
Millennial Media and AdWhirl for Android

I have to add ads to an app.

97% admob
3% millennial media

I tried to set the values to 50%. After that I regognize that I get an error everytime AdWhirl trys to show Millennial Media Ads.

04-26 21:28:59.099: INFO/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Rotating Ad
04-26 21:28:59.099: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Dart is <81.77319307774556> of <100.0>
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Showing ad:
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     nid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     name: millennial
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     type: x
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     key: xxxxx
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     key2: 
04-26 21:28:59.109: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Valid adapter, calling handle()
04-26 21:28:59.179: INFO/MillennialMediaAdSDK(12981): No incomplete downloads.
04-26 21:28:59.219: INFO/MillennialMediaAdSDK(12981): Last ad name is null. Call for new ad.
04-26 21:28:59.229: INFO/MillennialMediaAdSDK(12981): Making ad request
04-26 21:28:59.549: INFO/MillennialMediaAdSDK(12981): Millennial ad return failed. Zero content length returned.
04-26 21:28:59.549: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Millennial failure
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Showing ad:
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     nid: xxxxxxxxxxx
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     name: admob
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     type: x
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     key: xxxx
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981):     key2: 
04-26 21:28:59.569: DEBUG/AdWhirl SDK(12981): Valid adapter, calling handle()

I have try 2 other Millennial IDs. (Just by replacing the ID in AdWhirl and reinstall the app)

The first ID : 28911 ( This one works everytime.

The second ID is from an testapp I create in Millennial. This one ist strage. Sometimes it works and sometimes it fails. (At the beginning it fails everytime just like the original ID)


  • It seems it was a Bug from the ad network. A new update of the app doesn't contain the problem.