
Unnest two columns with Redshift Spectrum

I have this table called results, with two nested arrays in columns students and grades:

class students grades
C1 [S1, S2, S3] [C, A, B]
C2 [S3, S4] [A, B]

I'd like to unnest it to the following:

class student grade
C1 S1 C
C1 S2 A
C1 S3 B
C2 S3 A
C2 S4 B

I tried the following request in Redshift, but it creates duplicates and the results is not correct:

SELECT class, student as s, grade as g
FROM spectrum.results r
LEFT JOIN r.students s ON true
LEFT JOIN r.grades g ON true;

Any idea is appreciated.


  • You need UNNEST both column together.

    WITH dataset (class, students, grades) AS (
        VALUES ('C1', array['S1', 'S2', 'S3'], array['C', 'A', 'B']),
         ('C2', array['S3', 'S4'], array['A', 'B'])
    select class,
    from dataset
    CROSS JOIN UNNEST (students, grades) T (students, grades)
    ORDER BY class, students, grades


    class student grade
    C1 S1 C
    C1 S2 A
    C1 S3 B
    C2 S3 A
    C2 S4 B