
How can I add a marker to Open Layers map?

Currently building a map app. Trying all the methods I find in the internet to add a marker, still doesn't work. Am I doing it wrong?

Here's my Angular code:

Somehow, it's much easier with Leaflet, but I don't want to abandon Open Layers that early.

export class MapComponent implements OnInit{
  map! : Map;
  marker! :any;
  center = fromLonLat([5.5697, 50.6330]);
  iconFeature = new Feature({
    geometry : new Point(fromLonLat([5.5697, 50.6330]))
  ngOnInit(): void { = new Map({
      view : new View({
        center :,
        zoom : 0
      layers : [

         new LayerVector({
          source : new SourceVector({
            features : [this.iconFeature]
          style : new Style({
            image : new Icon({
              anchor : [0.5, 46],
              src : '../assets/istockphoto-1153114937-2048x2048-removebg-preview.png'
         new TileLayer({
       source : new OSM()
      target :  "map"



  • can u try this example of code

    import { Map, View } from 'ol';
    import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector as LayerVector } from 'ol/layer';
    import { OSM, Vector as SourceVector } from 'ol/source';
    import Feature from 'ol/Feature';
    import Point from 'ol/geom/Point';
    import { fromLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
    import { Icon, Style } from 'ol/style';
    export class MapComponent implements OnInit{
      map!: Map;
      center = fromLonLat([5.5697, 50.6330]);
      ngOnInit(): void {
        const marker = new Feature({
          geometry: new Point(fromLonLat([5.5697, 50.6330]))
        const markerLayer = new LayerVector({
          source: new SourceVector({
            features: [marker]
          style: new Style({
            image: new Icon({
              anchor: [0.5, 1],
              src: '../assets/istockphoto-1153114937-2048x2048-removebg-preview.png'
    = new Map({
          view: new View({
            zoom: 0
          layers: [
            new TileLayer({
              source: new OSM()
          target: 'map'