I wish to calculate a file's checksum locally with JS
and have been searching for examples of how to accomplish this using the Streams Api
and pipeTo
, but have only found examples with Node.js
which I am not familiar with. What I'm looking for is something like this:
var stream = file.stream();
var hash = CryptoJS.algo.SHA1.create();
await stream.pipeTo(hash);
This code does not work since CryptoJS
doesn't seem to create WriteableStream
. Can I wrap what CryptoJS
creates in some kind of shim or sink? Other suggestions?
I could read and append buffers incrementally of course, but the code becomes a bit messy so I was hoping I could leverage pipeTo
to avoid complicating the code.
function byteArrayToWordArray(ba) {
let wa = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < ba.length; i++) wa[(i / 4) | 0] |= ba[i] << (24 - 8 * i);
return CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(wa, ba.length);
const cryptoJsWritableStream = (hash) => {
return new WritableStream({
write(chunk) {
close() {},
abort() {},
const stream = file.stream();
const hash = CryptoJS.algo.SHA1.create();
await stream.pipeTo(cryptoJsWritableStream(hash));