I am attempting to change the background image of a pane when the application is maximized. My background is set using in-line css. I've set up two different variables for the styling and an if statement. However, I'm not having any luck getting it to change the styling.
String cssStyle = "-fx-background-image: url(\'file:images/poker_table.png\');" +
"-fx-background-position: center center;" +
"-fx-background-radius: 15;" + // ************* For rounded corners
"-fx-background-size: 100% 100%;";
String cssStyle2 = "-fx-background-image: url(\'file:images/poker_table.jpg\');" +
"-fx-background-position: center center;" +
"-fx-background-radius: 15;" +
"-fx-background-size: 100% 100%;";
if (!primaryStage.isMaximized())
{ gameScreen.setStyle(cssStyle);
{ gameScreen.setStyle(cssStyle2);
Simply add a listener to the stage's maximizedProperty()
. Properties and listeners are a fundamental part of the JavaFX API: you can read about them in the standard documentation, or any good JavaFX tutorial.
primaryStage.maximizedProperty().addListener((obs, wasMaximized, isNowMaximized) -> {
if (isNowMaximized) {
} else {
You probably also need to set the appropriate style immediately, using the code you already have.
You can use a binding instead, if you prefer:
() -> primaryStage.isMaximized() ? cssStyle2 : cssStyle,
The binding can replace the code you already have; it will both be applied immediately and any time the maxmizedProperty