I need to create an alert from Azure CLI (no access to portal), using a "custom log search" signal on containerLogV2 to see if there are any exceptions in any of my containers. I have an action group which I need to use for sending emails and sms. I have the below command and am quite sure that I am not setting the condition right. Please advise what the right approach would be. I couldn't find any example for this case on MSDN docs. Thanks.
az monitor metrics alert create \
--condition "ContainerLogV2 | where LogMessage has "Exception" | where ContainerName !has "sms-management" | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)" \
--name "Dev AKS Errors Alert" \
--resource-group "my-rg" \
--scopes "/subscriptions/my-sub/resourcegroups/my-rg/" \
--evaluation-frequency "60m" \
--severity 1 \
--region "west europe" \
--action "/subscriptions/my-sub/resourcegroups/my-rg/providers/microsoft.insights/actiongroups/my-ag"
I probably need to figure out what details I need to send in the email and the sms from my alert next. Any help on that would be appreciated as well. Thank you.
[Update] Based on the advice from @Jahnavi I tried the below command
az monitor scheduled-query create \
--resource-group "my-rg" \
--name "AKS Errors Alert" \
--scopes "/subscriptions/supscription-id/resourcegroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks-dev" \
--condition "count 'AppExceptions' > 1 resource id _ResourceId at least 1 violations out of 5 aggregated points" \
--condition-query AppExceptions="ContainerLogV2 | where LogMessage has \"Exception\" | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)" \
--description "Notify team on exceptions in AKS" \
--location "westeurope" \
--evaluation-frequency "5m" \
--severity 1 \
--action-groups "/subscriptions/supscription-id/resourceGroups/my-rg/providers/microsoft.insights/actionGroups/my-ag"
I was able to create a new alert rule with the above command.
az monitor metrics alert create
is mostly used to create the inbuilt metrics, not conditional queries or custom log search queries.
You need to execute the az monitor scheduled-query create
command to create an alert using a "custom log search" signal on any application using Az CLI.
I've modified your script as below:
| where ContainerName !has \"sms-management\"
| where LogMessage has \"Exception\"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)'
WID=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --resource-group $rg --workspace-name $workspace --query id --out tsv)
az monitor scheduled-query create \
--name "TestQuery" \
--resource-group $rg \
--scopes $workspace \
--description "Test" \
--action $ActionID \
--evaluation-frequency 5m \
--severity 1 \
--condition "" \ #Provide the required condition
--condition-query $query
As per the MSDoc, I've taken the sample conditional query and it worked as below: