
How do you tell IntelliJ to use the Oracle JDK instead of the Adopt Open JDK?

I am running IntelliJ on a Mac M2 architecture. I initially downloaded JDK 17 from Adopt Open JDK and created a simple Kotlin project that prints "hello world" from provided sample code within the IDE as shown below:

enter image description here

However, I am getting this error message when trying to build this simple hello world project:

Failed to calculate the value of task ':compileJava' property 'javaCompiler'.
Unable to download toolchain matching these requirements: {languageVersion=8, vendor=any, implementation=vendor-specific}
Unable to download toolchain. This might indicate that the combination (version, architecture, release/early access, ...) for the requested JDK is not available.
Could not read '' as it does not exist.

The error message is definitely true as when I copy and paste the URL:

and put in a web browser, the site does not exist. So it makes sense why IntelliJ can't read the site.

So I downloaded the Oracle JDK 17 for M2 Apple instead and pointed the IntelliJ project to look at where it was installed as shown below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

However, IntelliJ seems to be stuck on using Adopt Open JDK despite the fact that I'm telling it to use Oracle JDK 17. How do I get IntelliJ to use the Oracle JDK and look for the Adopt JDK instead?


  • It's a known issue.

    The solution is to either update to IntelliJ IDEA 2023+ (currently available as RC) or to change jvmToolchain(8) in build.gradle.kts to jvmToolchain(11).