I have a code that looks something like this:
def generate_constraints(c):
if c.name == 'multibodypendulum':
con_fnc = MultiBodyPendulum(**c)
where c is an OmegaConf object containing a bunch of parameters. Now I would like to pass all the parameters in c except the name to the MultiBodyPendulum class (the name was used to identify the class to send the rest of the parameters to). However I have no idea how to make a copy of c without one parameter. Does anyone have a good solution for this?
You could try to get a dictionary from the instance using my_dict = c.__dict__
and then remove the class from the dictionary using pop()
something like:
my_dict = c.__dict__
old_name = my_dict.pop("name", None)
con_fnc = MultiBodyPendulum(**my_dict)
That way you would add every parameter except for the name, if you wanted to add a different name you can add it to the new instance creation like:
con_fnc = MultiBodyPendulum(name="New Name", **my_dict)
To conserve the OmegaConf functionality use:
my_dict = OmegaConf.to_container(c)