Im trying to upload a file through a streamlit app but get the following error:Reads the file as a dir
The Streamlit Code To Upload
if uploaded_file is not None:
fname =
img = # Open image in PIL
col1.image(img) #Display the Imgage on ST, 'jpeg') #Send image to the io module
img = b.getvalue() #Convert to bytes
res = self.request(img)
Code to Call API:
class response():
def crackD(f):
body = {'deviceSize':('', '(0.0, 0.0, 375.0, 667.0)') ,'ConsumerID':('', '-100'), 'client':'crackd-api', 'metadata':('', '{"source": "streamlit_test"}'), 'file': f} #Body of the post
headers = {"Postman-Token":"xxx","cache-control":"no-cache","x-access-token":"xxx" }
response =, headers = headers, files=body)
return response
But the api is being called successfully through POSTMAN..
From the error information you provided, the reason is that the uploaded content is a folder, not a simple file.
You can refer to the official file upload example to check your problem.