My very-very simple test code always fails. I cannot get access to my own repository (PRIVATE) (it is completely new and empty). The username and password are perfectly working I tested signing in and out several times. I went through several StackOverflow posts, but still no clue what can cause the problem. I have tired two different ways, first clone the repo (give the credentials at that point) and then push. My second try was to create a repo commit something than push (give the credentials at this point). None of these worked.
JGit error message:
Exception in thread "main" org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: not authorized
at org.eclipse.jgit.api.CloneCommand.fetch(
Java code (First way):
public static void main(String[] args) throws GitAPIException, IOException {
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider
= new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider( "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX" );
Git git = Git.cloneRepository()
.setDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "git_test"))
.setCredentialsProvider( credentialsProvider )
File file = new File( git.getRepository().getWorkTree(), "file" + new Object().hashCode() );
git.add().addFilepattern( file.getName() ).call();
git.commit().setMessage( "Add file " + file.getName() ).call();
.setCredentialsProvider( credentialsProvider )
Java code (Second way):
this.git = Git.init().setDirectory(new File(folderPath)).call();
this.git.commit().setMessage("Modified temp.txt").call();
.setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider("XXXXXXX", "XXXXXX"))
Do you have any clue what is going on?
According to Github: "For developers, if you are using a password to authenticate Git operations with today, you must begin using a personal access token over HTTPS (recommended) or SSH key by August 13, 2021, to avoid disruption. If you receive a warning that you are using an outdated third-party integration, you should update your client to the latest version." Described here
Thus, I had to generate a token, what I did the following way: A personal access token (classic) generation...
After, in the setCredentialsProvider() method I gave the following:
.setCredentialsProvider( new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider( "<token>", "" ) );
Password must be left empty, just give the token and that's it.