Java 17 is not supported by aws lambda. I need to create a lambda function using spring cloud and java 17 as base image. What dependencies I must install in my java 17 base image?
I have used this docker file.
FROM adoptopenjdk:17-jre-hotspot as base
# configure the build environment
FROM base as build
\#RUN yum install -y maven
# cache and copy dependencies
ADD pom.xml .
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline dependency:copy-dependencies
# compile the function
ADD . .
RUN mvn package
# copy the function artifact and dependencies onto a clean base
FROM base
WORKDIR /function
COPY --from=build /src/target/dependency/*.jar ./
COPY --from=build /src/target/*.jar ./
# configure the runtime startup as main
ENTRYPOINT \[ "/usr/bin/java", "-cp", "./\*", "" \]
# pass the name of the function handler as an argument to the runtime
CMD \[ "" \]\`
Here is an example with java 19 and GrallVM native -