I have on my Linux computer the blast version v.12.0+ and would like to install the up to date version: v.13.0+.
I am having trouble with setting the PATH to this new version. Indeed, when I enter the following command in a terminal:
export PATH=/home/administrateur/ncbi-blast-2.13.0+/bin
it works great until I close my terminal.
I would like to set it permanently so that everytime I open a new terminal, the command line:
blastn -version
returns 2.13.0+ instead of 2.12.0+ ..
Could you please help me?
Many thanks..
For anyone wondering, the following solution worked for me:
I printed the path of the blast directory I have downloaded (in the bin subfolder) :
pwd -P
and it returned:
I openned the bashrc file using:
gedit ~/.bashrc
and I added the following line at the end of this text file:
export PATH=/home/blast/ncbi-blast-2.13.0+/bin:$PATH
I saved this file and sourced it using:
source ~/.bashrc
and whenever I open a new terminal and type:
blastn -version
It returns:
blastn: 2.13.0+
Hope it helps!